Sunday, September 9, 2012

Does it offend you, yeah?

I mentioned in last week's post that I wanted to put a greater weight of focus on being soft-hearted and considering other people on my goals for this year... So much for that, as it turns out I blew that one pretty quickly.
Apparently making accurate comparisons are now also on the list of things that offend people. Apologies, I didn't get the memo.

This week I posted the below photo/status on Facebook:

Let's take a closer look, shall we?

Before I break down why this perplexed me so, please see below what I find when I type in "asylum seekers" into Google images.

Now, I'm no expert, but I'd say that the photo I posted has a lot in common with these ones I found on Google. The main thing being that it is an overcrowded, confined space full of people who would like to get out as soon as possible and be elsewhere.

Had I said "asylum seekers have got it easy compared to me on this train right now" or "LOLZ ASYLUM SEEKERS!!1!!1!", I could maybe understand, but I think the comparison I made had merit behind it, and I don't understand how I managed to fail this personal goal so quickly after setting it.

Agree? Disagree?

Someone! Please! Show me the error of my ways! How was that NOT funny?

In other news, I've taken a few days off work because "X" is back for the week and we've been cruising on his motorbike, eating ribs, consuming liquid nitrogen ice-cream and other such activities.

I didn't choose the thug life. The thug life chose me.

I decided to take advantage of my days off and make an appointment to meet with someone who I've been thinking about a lot lately. Someone who literally is the reason I say high school were my golden years; My year 11-12 music teacher.
When someone doesn't have Facebook, and you work full-time, and you don't have their phone number, you'd be surprised at how difficult it is to get in touch with them.
In a random strike of luck, I managed to meet someone who is currently his student and gave her a note to give to him with my email address on it. These are the proceedings:

So, finally after all this time I will be reuniting with the man who single-handedly transformed the way I perceive the study of music as well as a few other staff members who managed to climb my favourite ladder. I'm sure you'll be hearing about how it all goes.

Who is your favourite teacher, and why?

Leave a comment below or share on Facebook.


  1. Love it! Some of your best work, Gallardo.

    I feel the same with my teachers. Some were amazing and influential. Others....not so much.

    Also, me being in this makes it so much better! Just sayin'

  2. Haha, I love your content analysis of asylum seeker images on Google images. Why not be known for being controversial? "Safe" people don't get famous.

  3. I believe your comment about asylum seekers was perhaps misunderstood. When I saw you post that comment I was also a little annoyed as I thought you were making a direct comparison to the ethnic diversity of the carriage, but I see you were talking solely about the crowded nature of the carriage and not the people, I assume.

    It still gets me a little annoyed that you used this example, just because of the absolute struggle asylum seekers have to undergo for safety, to have to sail across an ocean paying your life savings to turn up to a shore with the possibility of being sent back to a unsafe country, I'm not saying you don’t have compassion, it's just perhaps this post in particular uggests a lack of it.

  4. It's a shame to still see people that are so uptight these days. It's nice to see some people loosen up and and understand what a joke is. great blog. NICE
    Stephen Hawking.

  5. While I did not find what you posted personally offensive, citing google images as some arbitrator of morality doesn't take you very far in convincing me that it is not offensive for others. I could've just as well typed in "Asian" and found images of car crashes, or "Indian" and found images of taxi drivers - it still doesn't say anything about what is the cultural norm in language and context. Let's not let others or google define or affirm "right" for us.
    Ps. I still found it hilarious.
